Cold Storage is a method of refrigeration. Creating a different Chinese environment from the outdoor environment is also a constant temperature for food, liquids, chemicals, medicines, vaccines, scientific experiments and other items. Humidity storage equipment.But different storage items also have different storage conditions, so how to choose a suitable cold storage?

1.Fruit cold storage

(1)Common fruits and vegetables stored at about 0 ℃: most rhizomes, leafy vegetables, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, celery, carrots, peaches, grapes, apples. Because low temperature will inhibit the enzyme activity of fruits and vegetables, when the above fruits and vegetables are purchased, it is best not to put them in the cold storage immediately, so that the residual poison cannot be decomposed. Therefore, the above fruits and vegetables are best stored at room temperature for a day before putting them in the cold storage.

(2)Common fruits and vegetables stored at about 10 °C: bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, bitter gourd, cowpeas, pumpkins, etc., generally around 10 °C; due to the high water content, these fruits and vegetables will turn black, softened and tasted after long-term storage. Phenomenon.

 (3) Common fruits and vegetables stored above 10 ℃: tropical fruits, it is best to keep them in the dark and cool. If you want to put it in a cold storage, you should choose a cold storage with a higher temperature, and it is best to store it for no more than two days.

2.Meat cold storage

Meat cold storage is divided into fresh meat cold storage and frozen meat cold storage.

(1) Cooling meat: It is mainly used for meat products stored for a short time, usually to reduce the temperature of the center of the meat to about 0°C~1°C. The specific requirement is that before the meat is put into the cold storage, the temperature of the storage room should be lowered to about minus 4C, and after the meat is put into the storage, it should be kept between -1°C and 0°C. After cooling the meat, a dry film forms on the surface, which prevents bacterial growth and slows the evaporation of water, extending the shelf life.

(2) Frozen meat: The meat is quickly and deeply frozen, so that most of the water in the meat freezes into ice, which is called frozen meat. Frozen meat is more shelf-stable than chilled meat. The freezing of meat is generally carried out at a temperature below -23°C and stored at about -18°C. In order to improve the quality of frozen meat and restore its original taste and nutritional value after thawing, the quick-freezing method is currently used. Put the meat into the -40°C quick-freezing room, so that the temperature of the meat quickly drops below -18°C, and then move it to the refrigerator.